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Samsung Vacuum Cleaner Jet 70 Dustbin Case | DJ97-02829A

Samsung Vacuum Cleaners-Vacuum Cleaner Jet 70 Dustbin Case Spare Replacement Parts from
Samsung Vacuum Cleaner Jet 70 Dustbin Case | DJ97-02829A


Premium material for a Samsung vacuum cleaner dustbin case, designed to securely hold and contain dust and debris.

Made from durable plastic, this case ensures easy disposal, reliable performance, and long-lasting durability for efficient cleaning.


  • Status: Available 1-4 Working Days
  • Code: DJ97-02829A
$51.24 Incl GST
Ex Tax $44.56
Secure Payment Gateway: Visa/Mastercard


Supported Models
Compatible Models: VS15A6031M5/SA , VS15A6031N5 , VS15A6031N5/AA , VS15A6031N5/MD , VS15A6031R1/EE , VS15A6031R1/EF , VS15A6031R1/EG , VS15A6031R1/EN , VS15A6031R1/ET , VS15A6031R1/GE , VS15A6031R1/MA , VS15A6031R1/SB , VS15A6031R1/SE , VS15A6031R1/SP , VS15A6031R1/ST , VS15A6031R1/SV , VS15A6031R1/TR , VS15A6031R1/YL , VS15A6031R4/EE , VS15A6031R4/EF , VS15A6031R4/EG , VS15A6031R4/EP , VS15A6031R4/ES , VS15A6031R4/ET , VS15A6031R4/EU , VS15A6031R4/EV , VS15A6031R4/GE , VS15A6031R4/GT , VS15A6031R4/MA , VS15A6031R4/ME , VS15A6031R4/SB , VS15A6031R4/SG , VS15A6031R4/SP , VS15A6031R4/SW , VS15A6031R4/TR , VS15A6031R4/UK , VS15A6031R5/EV , VS15A6031R7/AA , VS15A6031R7/AP , VS15A6031R7/AX , VS15A6032M5/SA , VS15A6032R5/EE , VS15A6032R5/EF , VS15A6032R5/EG , VS15A6032R5/EP , VS15A6032R5/ET , VS15A6032R5/EU , VS15A6032R5/EV , VS15A6032R5/GE , VS15A6032R5/ME , VS15A6032R5/ML , VS15A6032R5/SB , VS15A6032R5/UK , VS15A6032R7/AA , VS15A6032R7/AC , VS15A6032R7/BG , VS15A6032R7/EG , VS15A6032R7/MD , VS15A6032R7/ME , VS15A6032R7/SA , VS15A6032R7/ST , VS15A60A1R5/ZS , VS15A60AGR5/EU , VS15A60AGR5/FZ , VS15A60AGR5/GE , VS15A60AGR5/ME , VS15A60AGR5/ML , VS15A60AGR5/UK , VS15A60AGR5/WA , VS15A60AGR5/YL , VS15A60AGR7/SA , VS15A60AGR7/ST , VS15A60AGR7/SV , VS15A60BGR5/WD , VS15R8542T1/EV , VS15T7031R1/EF , VS15T7031R1/EG , VS15T7031R1/EN , VS15T7031R1/EP , VS15T7031R1/ET , VS15T7031R1/EV , VS15T7031R1/GE , VS15T7031R4/AA , VS15T7031R4/EF , VS15T7031R4/ET , VS15T7031R4/EU , VS15T7031R4/EV , VS15T7031R4/TL , VS15T7031R4/UK , VS15T7032R1/EE , VS15T7032R1/EG , VS15T7032R1/EU , VS15T7032R1/SA , VS15T7032R4/AA , VS15T7032R4/AP , VS15T7032R4/EE , VS15T7032R5/EE , VS15T7032R5/SW , VS15T7033R1/ME , VS15T7033R1/SB , VS15T7033R1/TW , VS15T7033R4/GE , VS15T7033R4/SE , VS15T7033R4/SH , VS15T7033R4/SW , VS15T7034R1/SE , VS15T7034R1/SP , VS15T7034R1/ST , VS15T7034R4/ME , VS15T7035R5/SA , VS15T7035R7/EV , VS15T7035R7/UK , VS15T7036R5/EE , VS15T7036R5/EF , VS15T7036R5/EG , VS15T7036R5/EN , VS15T7036R5/EU , VS15T7036R5/EV , VS15T7036R5/FA , VS15T7036R5/GE , VS15T7036R5/SA , VS15T7036R5/SW , VS15T7036R5/TR , VS15T7036R5/UK , VS15T7038R5/EN , VS15T70D1R1/EG , VS20B7511BF/WA , VS20B7512N7/BG , VS20B7512N7/ZS , VS20B7551BF/EU , VS20B7551BF/GE , VS20B7551BF/WA , VS20B75A9R5/GE , VS20B75A9R5/WA , VS20B75ACR5/EU , VS20B75ACR5/EV , VS20B75ACR5/GE , VS20B75ACR5/SA , VS20B75ACR5/TR , VS20B75ACR5/UK , VS20B75ACR5/WA , VS20B75ADR5/EV , VS20B75ADR5/UK , VS20B75ADR5/WA , VS20B75AER1/GE , VS20B75AER1/SP , VS20B75AER1/ST , VS20B75AER1/WA , VS20B75AER4/ME , VS20B75AER4/WA , VS20B75AGR1/EU , VS20B75AGR1/GE , VS20B75AGR1/SA , VS20B75AGR1/WA , VS20B75AGR5/AA , VS20B75AGR5/GE , VS20B75AGR5/WA , VS20B75B1R1/WD , VS20B75B1R4/WD , VS20B75BCR5/WD , VS20B75BDR5/WD , VS20B75BER1/WD , VS20B75BGR1/WD , VS20B75BGR4/WD , VS20R9042T2/AA , VS20R9042T2/ET , VS20R9042T2/EU , VS20R9042T2/GE , VS20R9042T2/SA , VS20R9042T2/SB , VS20R9044T2/EE , VS20R9044T2/EN , VS20R9044T2/ET , VS20R9044T2/GE , VS20R9045T3/AA , VS20R9045T3/EE , VS20R9045T3/SA , VS20R9046T3/AA , VS20R9046T3/EE , VS20R9046T3/EF , VS20R9046T3/EN , VS20R9046T3/ET , VS20R9046T3/EV , VS20R9046T3/FA , VS20R9046T3/GE , VS20R9046T3/ML , VS20R9046T3/SA , VS20R9046T3/SB , VS20R9046T3/SG , VS20R9046T3/SW , VS20R9046T3/TL , VS20R9048T2/TW , VS20R9048T3/EF , VS20R9048T3/EN , VS20R9048T3/ET , VS20R9048T3/GE , VS20R9048T3/ME , VS20R9048T3/SP , VS20R9048T3/ST , VS20R9049T3/EU , VS20R9056T3/AC , VS20R9072T7/EG , VS20R9074T2/ET , VS20R9076T3/AA , VS20R9076T7/EF , VS20R9076T7/EG , VS20R9076T7/ET , VS20R9076T7/EV , VS20R9076T7/GE , VS20R9079T7/GE , VS20R90G6R3/EG , VS20T7511T5/AA , VS20T7512N7/AA , VS20T7516T5/AC , VS20T7531T1/EE , VS20T7531T1/EN , VS20T7531T1/EP , VS20T7531T1/ET , VS20T7531T4/AA , VS20T7531T4/EF , VS20T7531T4/SB , VS20T7532T1/EF , VS20T7532T1/EG , VS20T7532T1/EN , VS20T7532T1/EP , VS20T7532T1/ET , VS20T7532T1/EU , VS20T7532T1/EV , VS20T7532T1/GE , VS20T7532T1/UK , VS20T7532T4/EE , VS20T7533T4/ET , VS20T7533T4/GE , 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